NEXT WEEK - I'll be launching my next Kickstarter: a book all about ROBOTS
After the huge success of the SPACESHIPS book I knew almost immediately my next project had to be a ROBOTS BOOK.
Like the spaceships book, ROBOTS will have a mix of everything:
I'd love as many people as possible to back this thing on DAY ONE, and here's why:
Kickstarter will only promote highly successful kickstarters to other people.
If a project is funded a few hours and shows continued growth in the first 24 hours, their algorithm says, "We got ourselves a winner here!" and they use their marketing oomph to get the word out. Why? Because they get 5% of the money that's raised, and it just makes business sense to promote the winners.
They love the extra money, and I love it because for every person who backs the project, Kickstarter matches that by getting someone else to back it.
And every kickstarter brings new people to stories I'm telling through my books and art. Perhaps you're here because you've found me through one of my kickstarters in the past. If so, thanks for sticking around!
Click here to get notified on the launch: LINK
PATREON: I just paused an 8 part series on getting a book deal while I wait for some feedback from my agent. In the meantime I'm sharing all my strategies, ideas, and the book building process of my next Kickstarter project: ROBOTS.
Patrons are seeing concept art, the process posts, the writing posts, and everything that goes into making these books. Here's the breakdown of how I made a complex cover illustration like this, with multiple characters: